Without a doubt, many men believe having a beautiful woman is the ultimate status symbol. The lady on your arm speaks volumes about you. Whether your goal is to tie the knot or simply dating beautiful women, your strategy will be the same. You’ll have to stand apart from the competition. Hundreds of single rich men are vying for the attention of the very same 5 % of the ladies you wish to attract. Luckily, you don’t have to be a GQ model to be dating models or a millionaire to make a woman like you. Sure, these things help, but so does maintaining a polished appearance, being a great date, and sharing a wonderful evening. If you are serious about your quest to date beautiful women, consider the following. Executive dating appearance: Although women are typically more forgiving when it comes to the appearance of their partner than men are, they prefer a man who is clean cut with an attractive image. The key to creating your image is to minimize your flaws. For example, if you don’t like your nose but have an awesome smile, you can get your teeth whitened to deflect the attention from your nose. A polished appearance will get you noticed. If everyone is wearing sweaters, wear a suit. If everyone is wearing a suit, wear a tux. Get noticed. Stand out for all the right reasons. Be sure you shave regularly, take care for your skin, manicure your nails, and style you hair in a flattering way. Choose clothing made of quality material that is in style and fashionable. Dress like single executives who command respect and power would. You don’t have to be a slave to fashion, but you do have to stay current with your look if you want to date beautiful women. Be confident in your own skin, and always act like a gentleman. Having proper manners and following conventional dating etiquette makes you interesting and chivalrous to single models. Be a great date: To date model type women, take the lead. Women want a guy who will call, not text, to ask them out on a proper date. They appreciate a man with a plan who they are excited to clear their social calendar for. Thus, you should take time to put together a thoughtful and unique date in advance, going out of your way to make sure the time spent together is special. If you are going to date beautiful women, choose a venue that has a nice, romantic ambiance, as these are the type of places other upscale single men take her to. The restaurant should be convenient for your date to travel to. Consider arranging a driver to come pick her up at her home. You should ask her favorite foods and select a restaurant with a good reputation and rating. Make sure that you insist on the best table available. These are non-negotiables for men who want to date beautiful women. Beautiful single women are used to dating wealthy men who go the extra mile to make them feel comfortable and show them extraordinary experiences. They are used to being wined and dined in good places and chauffeured around town by single millionaires. It is crucial that you put in that type of effort if you want to see a woman again. Paying attention to detail, listening to what she has to say, and giving genuine compliments goes a very long way. Paint a picture of your wonderful lifestyle: A picture is worth a thousand words, and you are going to have to paint one if you want to date beautiful women. The goal is to show and not tell. It wouldn’t hurt to mention a few things that single rich men typically do when they are trying to impress a woman in conversation. A reference to your summer home, car collection, or boat, as well as the dropping of a name or two could work in your favor. Just don’t come across as a braggart. The idea is to show women that you have a lot to offer. If you give them a glimpse of the good life, they’ll be more likely to perceive you as a man who is worth investing time in. If you appeal to their tastes, you’ll have an edge in attracting their attention for the long- term.
Date Beautiful Women: Using Your Strengths